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MQ Passion Camp 

The Plan
The Goal

The Plan

​The "MQ Motivation Assessment" uses the latest research and data from motivation science.​

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Find Your Motivation Quotient

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You will learn your future potential and direction for academic and career development 

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The Goal

Help students of all ages
Better Understand Themselves
Learn how to work as a team with others in a workplace environment

And prepare for high school, university, and future career 

Key Features
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  • Personal MQ Motivation Report detailing one's motivations

  • Understand your inner passion for learning

  • 24 Motivation DNA & Life Index

  • Motivation Map & application

  • Self-Learning Reflection

  • Cultivate teamwork skills

  • Develop leadership and coordination skills

  • Cultivate public speaking skills

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The Content

(1) Finding ME
A.I. Loca
ting Motivational DNA


Equalearning's MQ Motivation Assessment and report helps students understand their inner motivations and driving forces, helping students find themselves and better plan for their future. "Finding me" is about better understanding why you are motivated to do what you do, so you can plan your future in education more effectively by utilizing your inner motivation to define, pursue, and achieve success in life.

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(2) Building WE
Group Project


Our group activities help students understand themselves and their team members’ Motivation Quotient report, learn how to work with others in a real-life situation in the future, and how to develop these soft skills to succeed in high school, university, and the workplace.

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(3) Own YOUR Journey

How to Study Successfully at University


Students use their MQ Motivation Assessment Report to plan life goals, including university applications and future career choices, based on their personal passion quotient. Students will learn to write S.M.A.R.T. goals and specific action plans in order to apply what they have learned.

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Who it's for

Middle School: Choose a high school (vocational) that suits your internal motivation and ideals, and succeed in learning at the high school (vocational) level.


High School Freshmen and Sophomores: Choose between humanities and science streams, and prepare learning and planning materials.


High School Juniors and Seniors: Choose a college major that aligns with your internal motivation, apply for college information and interviews, and succeed in learning at the university level.


Full-day and Half-day Camps Available

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Passion Camp  

University of Taipei | 3-Day

High School 7/10 (Monday) - 7/12 (Wednesday)

"Learning Motivation" Camp

National Tsing-Hua University | 3-day
High School 7/21 (Friday) - 7/23 (Sunday)

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The Content
Who it's for
Upcoming Events
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Passion Camp  

Various U.S. Schools
Summer 2023


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MQ Passion Camp

National Taipei University of Education | 5-day
Middle School 7/24 (Monday) - 7/28 (Friday)
High School 7/31 (Monday)- 8/4 (Friday)

MQ Passion Camp FAQ

What is PQ?


MQ is the abbreviation of "Motivation Quotient". The MQ test is a scenario-based assessment that measures the driving force of an individual's inner motivations, or passions. MQ is a learning aid developed by the latest motivation science by top scholars in the United States. It can accurately identify and quantify students' learning motivations and help individuals understand how they tend to learn, how to work as a team, and how to solve problems.

"Motivation Quotient" (MQ) is the most important "Q" that affects individuals after IQ and EQ! "MQ Passion Camp" is the latest learning motivation camp in the American education field, and it was introduced to Taiwan at the same time.

What is LMS?


LMS is the abbreviation of "Learning Management System". It is an online teaching system platform used by Equalearning in the United States. Whether students are doing MQ tests, making data analysis models, or viewing lecture notes or content, they are all carried out on this platform.

How can Passion Camp help my prepare for my future?


The exclusive "MQ Passion Camp" of Equalearning in the United States focuses on three parts known as "Finding ME, Building WE, and Own YOUR Journey". This helps students better understand themselves (who am I, what are my hobbies, what are my passions), what kind of learning style is suitable for me, my future department, and career suggestion and exploration. Equalearning uses precise positioning of learning motivation (Motivation Quotient), STEAM potential, learning styles, and suitable for various college majors. Passion Camp also teaches teamwork and understanding from group activities; specifically how to identify your own role on a team, and then plan the direction of your future development.

What is the team competition for?


Passion Camp includes a group competition via a STEAM-style group activity in the section known as "Building WE". Students in each group will form a company and a prototype technology using art, Legos, and various tools. Students must complete the competition topic within the time limit, and then share the results with everyone. During the process, students will learn more about themselves, and practice motivation-based teamwork, leadership, and public speaking.

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